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Singer 45K Treadle Base Parts Information or Parts List

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Would someone have or know where I can find a  parts list for a Singer 45 treadle base (base only)?  Any information will be helpful.  A picture of the base is attached.  Thanks so much.



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WOW - that is fancy - I have not seen one of these treadles in the wild.  Do you have the treadle and are just looking for parts? 



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Hi Yetibelle,

Base is on the way.  It may need a couple of upper support pieces in which case some fabrication will be required.  Hoping to find a parts list with pictures in order to get the correct scale for the part.

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Hi Matt,

The plate indicated by the arrow and the vertical support/bolt in the circle may be missing.  If so, I'll need to find them or fabricate them.  Usually the illustrated Singer parts list are drawn to scale,....helpful for fabrication.  That's why I'd like to find a parts list or get the measurements from someone with this type of base.

Your base looks to have different supports.

On a side note, how thick of veg tan can you comfortably sew through with your treadle?  That treadle flywheel looks massive.

Thanks for your interest.








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Just to clear this up for me.  You have the 45K treadle now, just like in the picture but it is missing that support? Is that all your missing from it? You should make your own until you can find one.  However I suspect it may take a while to locate. Treadle are great, setup you should be able to get through some veg tan with that.  Depending on how hard you are on the machine you may not even need that bar.




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Just to clear this up for me.  You have the 45K treadle now, just like in the picture but it is missing that support?

Don't have it yet, the base (only) as in the picture is in transit to me.  It may need the pieces we've been discussing, there's some confusion about that, so I may have to find or make them, and I want to know about the dimensions.

Do you sew veg tan with yours?   


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Hi Al, have not been hear for a while! just got my PC back again "was a goner" i can measure that one for you no problem! happy to hear you found a treadle for your machine, well done and great find! 

yetibelle- the bar is to support the weight of the machine as the table has a cutaway to the front which in turn weakens the middle. the class 18 also had this and i suppose all tables that had a cutaways alike.. 17... etc?? i will have a look for a parts list but i think there is none floating around??? not 100% sure though...

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Jimi, you're awesome, thank you for your kind offer.  Look forward to the dimensions.  Will you be able to determine the thread details on the support and the fasteners that hold it to the base?  That plate looks to be close to 10-12 mm thick?

Glad you got your PC fixed, they're such a mystery to me, I call them and electricity "Black Art".

Best regards,


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Hey Al, here are some Photos to get your brain churning.. haha. i will have to find a protractor or something to see these angles?? it is a difficult one to copy exact?..


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i will see if i can work out some of these angles if i find a protractor or something lying around. let me know if you need more pics Al, no problem.

Edited by jimi

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Jimi, that was a lot of work for you, thank you, thank you very much.

I had no idea the support and fasteners were that involved, sure hope they're not missing when the base arrives.

Good pictures, Jimi, very helpful..  What machine are you using on your base?  K21?

Thank you again, Jimi.


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About 2/3 of the base has arrived so far (see pic), so I'm starting to think I may actually own one of these grand old treadle bases soon.  That's assuming the treadle and the back piece arrive safely, they're the most vulnerable.  In any case, I'm beginning to think about fabricating the top, but have no dimensions.  We still don't know about the support.

Would you mind taking a few pictures of your table top with a measuring tape along side, like you did with the support piece?  That will show the dimensions.  Would you also tell me what kind of wood the top is made of, and if the top is one solid piece or if it's laminated like a "plywood"?

Thank you, Jimi, thank you very much.



Edited by Evo160K

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Hi Al, sorry i did not see your other question... yes on the 45k21. that looks like a nice treadle there? well done, that will last for another 100 years for sure!  i will go and do some pictures Al.

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This is the drawing of the table, all you need to do is compare the measurements with the drawing. it is out one side of about 5mm. sorry i could not find the old rabone ruler with inches Al. the top as you can see is laminated both sides and pine in the middle. the top looks like beech to me. i will measure the wood that goes underneath the machine and where the support goes, also the drawer if you need that also. and the holes for the belt. regards jimi. P.S. the machine sits on the 395mm long side.

table top.JPG

Edited by jimi

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No problem with the metric measurements, I use them frequently.

Thank you for your help.  Your pictures and that sketch are perfect, exactly what I need, thank you, thank you very much.

I owe you Jimi.


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It looks like the table has a routed profile on some of the edges.  Would you be able to take a picture of that profile?  Thank you Jimi.

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Al, that routed edge is on the older tables, this one is from 1950 and has no profile.

Edited by jimi

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Al, i think that profile you are looking for is the same as the one on the edge of the square board that goes underneath the machine. but possibly a little larger if the table is 30mm thick?? it is in the second last picture of the table top pictures where you see the thickness of the top table. the arm screws into this and not into the table. regards jimi.

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Jimi, thanks for explaining that to me.  As long as I have to make the table from scratch, I'll try to replicate the edge on the small board and put it around the edge of the table.  Judging by the first picture above, it looks like the "cut-out" portion doesn't have an edge.  What do you think?

Thanks Jimi


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