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Diluting Pro oil dyes

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Hi friends,

l am a new user who is seeking to know what l can use to  dilute the pro oil dyes to get the color l am looking for. I am thinking since they contain oil water wouldn't be a good fit. Please advise.

thank you 

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If you smell Fiebing's dye reducer it smells exactly like isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol. 4 ounces cost at Tandy's is around $4.25. You can buy a quart of 90% isopropyl for about $1.50 at Walmart. I have never had any issue with the rubbing alcohol. Just keep accurate track of the exact ratios, of alcohol to dye, you are using. A small difference will alter the color.



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Fiebings is in the process of removing the word oil from these dyes because it is very confusing.  It is the pigment that is oil based/synthetic.  The dye is alcohol based, and should be diluted with alcohol although some have reported success with water.  I use 90% isopropyl with good results.


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I've had success with water.

But recently someone told me to put it on full strength, thin dauber coat. Don't saturate the leather. Then walk away for 24 hours.

The color should be pretty close to the bottle (it always varies). Buff then decide if you want it darker.

Remember that when you add neatsfoot oil after dying it will darken somewhat more.

I think I will dilute my purple next time. It was perfect after dying, but when I added neatsfoot oil it went too dark.

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I played the game trying to find something that works really well with those dyes, . . . ruined a couple of projects.  Said to heck with it.

Started back buying their reducer, . . . have not had ONE problem since that was dye related.

I'm staying with their reducer, . . . there is not enough savings with anything else to make it worthwhile to ruin an otherwise completed project, . . . trying to save $.50 or a dollar on the dye.

Once I did the $$$ calculation as to what I might save vs what I might lose, . . . it was an easy decision for me.

Now when I need more dye, . . . I pour out of the bigger bottle, . . . the dye into a 4 oz container, . . . dump that in my dye container, . . . then rinse that bottle out with a 4 oz bottle of reducer, . . . pitch that bottle and keep the clean reducer bottle for the next batch I have to make.  It has solved some of my dye problems.

May God bless,



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