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Champion 55 Outsole Stitcher Questions

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Hello all,

I recently acquired a Champion 55 curved-needle outsole stitcher and I have a few questions...

First, the belt from the clutch to the head is a round leather belt, twisted once for proper rotation.  The machine has two pulleys at the clutch, and the low speed one is currently in use.  I would like to run the high speed pulley, which requires a longer belt.  I thought a V belt might be nicer than the slippy leather belt, but that would mean reversing the rotation of the motor, as I obviously can't twist a V belt.  Are there any motor experts out there who can make an educated guess as to which leads to reverse (if possible) in order to reverse the rotation?  Please see the attached picture.

Second, I am having a problem with the machine not pulling the lock into the sole, as if there is not enough bottom tension.  From what I can tell, the issue is that I can't quite get enough tension before the thread starts to slip on itself on the tension wheel, rather than turn the tension wheel.  I have the thread wrapped around the wheel three times, as twice certainly wasn't enough.  I am using CB554 bonded nylon thread, without stitching wax or thread lubricant.  I have no desire to run hot wax, and have a good deal of experience running a Rapid E similarly dry with the same thread and no problems.  (Yes, I am well aware that this machine is no Rapid E!!!)  Would either thread lubricant or stitching wax help me get more thread-on-thread tension on the tension wheel, or at least help the machine pull the lock into the sole?  I have stitched a bunch of pairs successfully, but every once in a while it will just start to crap out and not pull the lock into place.  Any thoughts?  (I have adjusted the machine to measure out as little thread as possible, which should mean a deeper lock, so that isn't the problem.)

Any thoughts on either issue would be appreciated!

Champion 55 Motor Wiring.jpg

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send this question to Steve at Gateway Shoe Company.  I think he can help answer your questions.


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