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Wanted to buy: Adler 30-7 or 30-5

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Wanted to buy:  Adler 30-5 or 30-7 long arm patching machine.....with or without treadle stand.   Doesn't have to be pretty, but does need to function correctly.  Thanks


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I do have a 30-1 It is setup with a gear belt reduction mounted on the

back.  This was a commercial system available back in the 90s.

I used this machine on the bike circuit sewing patches and doing

leather repair.  It fits into a box for transport and also is used

as a table. Has had work on the head will do 5/6 per inch

depending in material thickness. Arm I would rate very good.

Machine at my shop in Colorado won't be there till middle may. 

Price  $750 If interested let me know and will send pictures when

I get to Colorado

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