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Braec Moedoic Budget Bag

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This is a Braec Moedoic Budget Bag, It would have been used by Irish monks around the 9th-10th century. This is a reproduction piece as well as an apprentice piece. Its certainly not perfect, Ive never made a bag, nor have I ever done any tooling before so this entire project with all the research and detective work involved as well as the techniques was quite an educational experience. The stitching was quite special too since its Historical counterpart was sewn from the inside rather than it being turned inside out then sewn.

Below is the other thread referencing with some other rather helpful leatherworkers helping me figure out a certain stitch i never actually utilized since i was more concerned with historical accuracy, but an interesting read on a rarer form of stitching.



Its not perfect but im proud of it, it has taken me 3 months to do, mainly having to do with butting heads with my teacher on techniques and difficulties on finding concrete information on such a bag. 



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Stunning job on a work of art. I like it all.

Do you have any pics of the inside?

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Very cool bag.

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Sweet!  It looks great.  It's not every day that you get to see a replica of a piece that's over 1000 years old - and not everybody that gets to make one!


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It turned out brilliant! Absolutely love the design and character in this bag. The dye and tooling look great and anyone would think it was the real thing!  Love the way the leather folds from the way you stitched it and the bag looks like it has a patina a 1000 years old. Great job!

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