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Holster for a Lever action brush gun

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Sam Porter

3 hrs · 

Here are a few pictures of the 'Holster/ sling' that I just finished for my ROSSI, Ranch Hand, lever action, 357 mag, 'brush gun.'

I designed this for the typical 'on the hip' carrying position, with a large belt loop and leg straps. The 'Pistol,' being 3/4 of a normal size lever action rifle, is a bit heavy so I added attachment points for a 'lanyard,' (shown) that goes around the neck or over the shoulders. The weapon seems much lighter when carried in the 'horizontal position,' at waist level.

The cartridge strap carries lots of extra rounds (15) and can be easily removed if need be.

This would be excellent for Equestrian, Farm and mounted Posse use or for carrying on a motorcycle. Check Federal and State laws on open carry, with a concealed carry permit.

Started from a piece of hide laying on my table, designed, cut, dyed, Machine sewn, buffed and polished all by hand. Fun but labor intensive.







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I like it !!

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Nice. Does the gun have to be drawn in-line, or does it break through the top?

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1 hour ago, JazzBass said:

Nice. Does the gun have to be drawn in-line, or does it break through the top?

Where you see the rear elevation sight from there back is open at the top, making it easier to put in or draw out. I will take a picture from the top: Done.



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Sam - That's marvelous!! I was hoping that that was the answer. As soon as I saw it, I was thinkin', "Steve McQueen - Wanted Dead or Alive", combined with a little "Road Warrior" and a hint of "Terminator".

...I really like the slightly "distressed" look of the texture, as well.

This one is a winner, sir!! ;)

(Hey, don't worry - when I get good enough to steal the concept, I promise to make it something unique. LOL!)


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