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Consew 229 help

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I just picked up a consew 229-r post bed machine for a great price and am looking to learn some stuff about it. I cant find much help with the typical google searches about this particular machine. 


The machine came with what appears to be an aftermarket top pulley which I assume slowed it down from stock. It still has the original clutch motor and what appears to be the original lower pulley. I am new to sewing and I'd like to slow it down more than it is now for obvious reasons. How would I go about doing a servo conversion or other method to slow it more with these unknown aftermarket parts? Any specific vendor suggestions for this particular scenario?


I'm also looking to see what kind of feet/accessories can be had for this machine. Does this use the same foot as another machine where I can get a binding attachments, etc? 


Here is an imgur album with pics of the machine, motor, pulley, feet.

Consee 229-r https://imgur.com/gallery/udP4Pcb





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I did see a post bed machine once with a removal table attachment that the person had mounted a binder attachment similar to the swing away type that Sailrite sells which can be had elsewhere like ebay. As far as a slowly it down more a servo motor I think would be the best method and you can check with some of the vendors on the forum who should be able to suggest the best wattage and accessories for your needs.


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This is a copy of the Singer168w101 post machine but with reverse.  Yours is a nice machine.  This machines uses singer 111w155  feet so feet should not be a problem.   the Singer 168 used a special type bobbin.  Not sure if the Consew does.  I think I have parts list for the machine.   Consew should have the operations manual if you need it.  


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I believe it uses G bobbins. The machine came with a whole bag of bobbins so im not concerned at the moment with those. 


I don't have proper wood working tools. Whipped this up in a couple hours with a dremel. Ill order some accessories and see if i can get them to work. 




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