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Need to recover from an oopsie with a new-to-me Consew 225

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I just got home from picking up a new-to-me Consew 225 off Craigslist. I have no idea if it matters, but this is an ancient one; still in Singer gold and black with gothic script. The machine ran beautifully in testing at its previous home. Loading the head into the van, I tipped it down to lay it on its side and the balance wheel (which I was holding) rotated a few degrees backwards and there was a loud, firm click. The machine is now locked up. What did I do and how do I undo it?


Thanks as always.

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OK, so after a little more playing and a look at one of Uwe's videos, I think the click I heard was the safety clutch resetting. The hook has a ton of the monofiliment line the previous owner used wound up under it and something was binding against the needle plate. Removing the needle plate allows the whole machine to turn freely. So now I need to learn how to get the hook out to clean under it. Also, the hook assembly and shaft have a lot of vertical play. At some points in the rotation, you can lift the hook and shaft up about 3/8" of an inch. Is that normal?

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2 hours ago, williaty said:

new-to-me Consew 225 off Craigslist.........this is an ancient one; still in Singer gold and black with gothic script....

You have a Consew 225 with Singer gold and black gothic script?  You sure it's not a Singer? Or is it a re-paint? (My Consew 225 is gray, with no Singer on it.)

CD in Oklahoma


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Yep, I'm sure it's a Consew. All the parts are stamped SEIKO not Simanco. Doesn't look like it's been repainted given the amount of missing paint.








Edited by williaty

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