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I wish to sell my Singer 29-4 complete with custom built stand and Servo Motor.

Machine is in excellent working order, has been refurbished and painted. Will stitch up to seven or eight spi depending on material.



I will sell the head only for $850.00. Complete set-up $1100.00


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Nice looking machine Ferg.  I wish you good luck with your sale.

Speaking of Singer 29-4 machines, would you please move my listing of my Singer 29-4 in the “Used” forum (“FS - 1915 Singer 29-4 & Treadle Stand”) (https://leatherworker.net/forum/topic/86404-fs-1915-singer-29-4-treadle-stand/ )
into the “Old/Sold” forum as I requested back on August 19th?  I’ve heard that the old Singer 29-4 machines aren’t very much good anymore.  It seems like I heard that here on this forum.  I guess they just aren’t as good as the new machines. Thanks.

CD in Oklahoma

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Test, one, two, three....

Is anyone out there?

CD in Oklahoma

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On 9/13/2019 at 4:15 PM, cdthayer said:

Speaking of Singer 29-4 machines, would you please move my listing of my Singer 29-4 in the “Used” forum (“FS - 1915 Singer 29-4 & Treadle Stand”) (https://leatherworker.net/forum/topic/86404-fs-1915-singer-29-4-treadle-stand/ )
into the “Old/Sold” forum as I requested back on August 19th? 


18 hours ago, cdthayer said:


Test, one, two, three....

Is anyone out there?

Lot's of people out here!

If something gets missed, you can "Report" the item instead of cluttering up another thread.  I just happened on this by accident.  It isn't guaranteed to catch a moderator's attention.


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