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Nippy NPS7 Mini-Skiver

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Does anyone have any knowledge of or experience with the new Nippy NPS7 mini-skiver? I have found very little online about it. I don't have the room for a full sized skiver and while this piece of kit is not inexpensive I just cannot keep skiving with a knife. I cannot get thin enough or consistent enough.

Any experience with this or comments would be very helpful before making such a big investment.


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They seem to be a great design and small at A4 size, no indications on where you can buy them though or price

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The guy in the video said 2500 dollars, and the knifes around 50 bucks for 6. I reckon you will go through a lot of knifes?? that could be the money hole with this??


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The cost looks a killer, but the knives by the look of them could be polished very easy

Edit just found the price on https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=en&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.co.uk&sl=ja&sp=nmt4&u=http://skimini.jp/&xid=17259,15700021,15700186,15700190,15700256,15700259,15700262,15700265,15700271&usg=ALkJrhik3dXUJCJEWJ40ztGTmHKvSszO4w 173000 yen which to sterling comes out at £1202.00 then uk taxes and shipping on top

Edited by chrisash

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On this type of skiver you have to pull the leather which will stretch the leather. On a traditional skiver the feed roller turns and moves the leather. I wouldn't want to have to pull and stretch the leather. Just my 2 cents.

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7 hours ago, aroh99 said:

On this type of skiver you have to pull the leather which will stretch the leather. On a traditional skiver the feed roller turns and moves the leather. I wouldn't want to have to pull and stretch the leather. Just my 2 cents.

I think the guy is not familiar with it yet and has not got it set up right. If you see the video from nippy it feeds through like a normal skiver does.

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@jimi yes you are correct. My mistake i saw another video and i then saw the feed roller. Looks like a good skiver. May have trouble with thicker leather.

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