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eco flow Hi liter is nasty stuff

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Usually not a fan of Eco Flow, but was replacing a belt I made for guy years ago and I used the Saddle Tan Hi liter. I wanted to match what I made so I broke out the Eco Flow. Just nasty Dirty stuff! If you apply it in circles with a dauber and leave it for just a second it will stain where you let it sit and will not blend in to the next application. Use long streaks and let the dauber run out of fluid and literally fade  away. then you can start again and it will blend better. But overall the application has an uneven and dirty look to it. If you damped a sponge or paper towel you can clean it up some, but the areas will lighten in color. the more you try to fix it, the worse it gets. Very hard to work a large piece like a belt. maybe a key fob or something small might be alright.

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I believe Eco-Flo has a place but it’s in the trash can!

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Never used it.."brand names" as opposed to basic chemicals, or mixtures of them,  do not appeal to me ..But, that said..maybe applying it ( diluted ) with an airbrush would help.


Edited by mikesc

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