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Back-stitching w machine

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Does backstitching with a leather needle cut the thread? 

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Yes, I know it can mess up your stitching real bad.

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So what do people do? You have to back stitch right?

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I have never had it cut the thread. I currently have a CB 4500 and previously used a Tippmann Boss.


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It does not cut the thread all the way through, but cut enough of the thread to made it look messy.

If I have to, I leave the top and bottom thread long enough to do 3 stitches by hand.


Edited by Bert51

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@Bert51 what are you sewing with?  I have never seen this mentioned in any sewing machine threads before. 


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38 minutes ago, Hildebrand said:

I have never had it cut the thread. I currently have a CB 4500 and previously used a Tippmann Boss.


Are you using leather needles with a chisel point or rounded ones? I use rounded on most things, as I mostly stitch wallets. 

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Round point needles are for webbing and such. Chisel point are for leather. I use the chisel point needles.


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As Hildebrand said, for leather use leather chisel point needles for anything else use round point. Leather point needles, can weaken webbing if it cut enough of it.

You only to be careful with back stitching with the leather chisel point needles, as the chisel can cut some of you forward sewn threads nicely. I did not notice the first time I did it, but some time later I notices were the back stitch was the thread had gone furry looking.

So now I leave enough thread to hand back stitch the last 3 stitches.


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when i back tack i turn the machine over by hand and set the needle just next to the stitch still touching but beside it and yes if your not paying attention you can cut stitches in half that said i have never cut a thread turning the machine over by hand on the back stitch for the extra three seconds it takes its worth it and it feels good knowing im not cutting some stitch in half .

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