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CB 4500 Reverse lever slips down shortening the stitch

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Have any of you CB4500 users had an issue with the reverse lever wanting to slip down thus shortening the stitches.  I haven't used the machine in a couple months and last night when I went to use it I couldn't figure out why it was off while stitching in reverse then I noticed the lever was not staying where I put it.

Also if anyone has a fix for this I would appreciate it.  I can just hold it up but sometimes I start with 3 stitches in reverse then come forward to sew and I need to hold the threads.




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I could be wrong but I believe if you take the back cover off there is an Allen screw on the shaft that just needs to be tightened. 

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Another fix I came up with awhile back you can see in this post -


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Old Coach is right just tighten this screw just alittle behind the back cover.

CB4500 reverse stitch length screw.jpg

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Thank you everyone for the fixes.  Bob is there a certain point the rod needs to be at before I tighten it?




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No,just so it's easy to get to,it is a pinch collar that rotates on a shoulder screw.

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