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I've been trying more figure carving lately. This was my sister's dog. I had a cute photo of her and thought I would try it out. I need to work on the hair texture and some other shaping but not bad.


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I used a modeling spoon tip for this. I think I got the direction wrong which is why it looks a little off. I also messed up the nose a bit haha 

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I see the effect you were telling me about, in another thread, when it comes to the eyes.  I'd imagine a "lifter" would be useful on the eyelids.

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Very slightly. If you think about the eye, its a round ball. It sits in the socket and the lids rest on top of it. The curvature we see is more apparent in the horizontal direction rather than the vertical. Using a modeling spoon you can get under the eyelid very slightly to get the desired effect. A lifter would add too much depth making the eyelid look like its floating above the eye. However, where the ears meet the head just above the eyes, a lifter or scalpel would add more depth that would be better suited there lifting the ear out away from the head a bit. 

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Looks pretty good @Stetson912

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1 hour ago, battlemunky said:

Looks pretty good @Stetson912

Thanks, good to hear from ya again as usual. I dont spend enough time here anymore hahaha 

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