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Rawhide Keepers and Covering

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Good afternoon all,

I'd like to make some rawhide keepers but I could do with some advice.

I've tied a few turks head knots but they always seem to lose their shape or come loose when I've taken them off the mandrel. 

Should I be tying them over a sleeve and gluing the ends down to stop them coming loose?

I'd also like to braid over some browbands but I'm not sure what braid I should be using, I've tried a few from Bruce Grant's book but I find them a bit complicated and dont get great coverage. 

Could someone suggest a braid or provide a clear explanation of what I should be doing?



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I have made a few keepers, work on a mandrel in the shape you want the finished keeper to be, after it’s dried slide it off & dip in shellac. That’s worked well for me. For covering your browbands your basically talking a long knot. Any of the long knots in Grant’s book will do the trick. Also check out the nose button guide for something longer.

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Most problems are solved by waiting twice as long as you think you need to for something to dry, the maybe some more.

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Thank you very much for the replies. I certainly haven't been waiting long enough. I also will try dipping them in shellac too. 

I'll check out the long knot. Cheers! 

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