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How to connect thread to 91k5, 91k6

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16 minutes ago, Wizcrafts said:

이제 이 기계에 실제로 내가 알고 있는 테이크업 레버가 있는지 궁금합니다.

I'll post the picture you mentioned.
First, look at the picture of the sewing and see if it is right to sew like this.


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15 minutes ago, ddiuni said:

However, if you see the upper thread and the lower thread are sewn on the lower side, a thread is formed and it is sewn. I don't know if it's like this in the first place. I don't know if this is the characteristic of sewing 5 and 6 of 91k.


I believe what you have there is a what we call a chain stitch machine and the bottom thread looks like this normally. As there is no bobbin you can not get a lock stitch to form as many other machines do. I think you have it as good as you can get it for now.

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12 minutes ago, RockyAussie said:

나는 당신이 가지고 있는 것이 우리가 사슬 재봉기라고 부르는 것이고 밑실은 일반적으로 이런 모양이라고 믿습니다. 보빈이 없기 때문에 다른 많은 기계처럼 잠금 스티치를 형성할 수 없습니다. 나는 당신이 지금 그것을 얻을 수 있을 만큼 잘 가지고 있다고 생각합니다.

So it looks like a chain that is sewn on the underside of the fabric.
The lower thread seems to be sewn in a spiral shape.
I recently bought a 91k5 and 6. So, I got the needle up to number 14....
Needle 9 is out of stock. And in the video uploaded to YouTube, it is explained that the person using the needle uses number 16. If you have thick gloves, you should probably use the number 16 needle. 46*1 needles are no longer produced in this world. Sooner or later, the needle will disappear, and this sewing machine will remain as an antique.

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This is a copy of the comment in the video .Groz-Beckert.........Nm 100/16, 251 EL, 251 LG, 29 BNl, 29 CB, LW x 5 T.

This link may be of help - https://www.thethreadexchange.com/miva/merchant.mvc?Screen=CTGY&Category_Code=NDL-251

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16 minutes ago, RockyAussie said:

이것은 비디오 .Groz-Beckert의 코멘트 사본입니다...........Nm 100/16, 251 EL, 251 LG, 29 BNl, 29 CB, LW x 5 T.

이 링크가 도움이 될 수 있습니다 - https://www.thethreadexchange.com/miva/merchant.mvc?Screen=CTGY&Category_Code=NDL-251

Is the needle you mentioned a 46*1 replacement needle?

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9 minutes ago, ddiuni said:

Is the needle you mentioned a 46*1 replacement needle?

I can not be certain of that I am sorry.

If you want to measure the diameter of the needle and the length from the end to the eye and maybe do a close up picture of both sides of the needle you may find another alternative. Sometimes if the diameter is the right size you can shorten them a bit to suit. This chart should give you some ideas


Edited by RockyAussie

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18분 전 RockyAussie가 말했습니다.

열심히 합니다.

우리의 길을 따라가는 길 때로는 직경이 올바른 크기 인 경우에 맞게 약간 줄일 수 있습니다 . 여러 가지 작업을 해야 합니다.


Features of 46x1 needles:
#One. Diameter 1.1mm
#2. Total length: 42.2mm
#3.The length of the groove: about 24.5mm
#4. Length of needle eye and shark: about 13.8mm
#5. Length from the tip of the needle to the eye of the needle: about 35.7mm

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The result of checking the shape of the needle groove is as follows.
The shape of the needle groove for inserting the needle is as follows.

So the right screw secures the needle.
And the diameter of the needle groove is measured to be possible up to about 1.9 mm.
However, if it is this thick, the tip of the needle can touch it when it passes the hook, so it is judged that the diameter should be smaller.

Edited by ddiuni

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1 hour ago, ddiuni said:

#One. Diameter 1.1mm


1 hour ago, ddiuni said:

And the diameter of the needle groove is measured to be possible up to about 1.9 mm

I am not understanding this variation. Will a needle with a shank diameter of 1.75 like the needle in the chart above shown as 175x1 fit up into the needle bar or not? Sanding down  from 37.1mm to 35.7 mm would not be very hard to do. I did ask if you could post a picture of both sides of one of these needles and with a ruler along side would be better if the picture can clear enough to see well.

1 hour ago, ddiuni said:

Is the needle you mentioned a 46*1 replacement needle?

This is what comes up when I google 46x1 needles  https://www.thethreadexchange.com/miva/merchant.mvc?Screen=CTGY&Category_Code=NDL-46x1


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On 2021. 11. 19. at 오후 6시 26분, RockyAussie said:

Yes, thank you for your kind notice.
Thank you for looking into this information for someone else.
I know this site through a lot of searches.
First of all, the needle I got
Only got 70/10, 80/12, 90/14. In just one month, 65/9 and 75/11 were sold out.

Referring to the table you provided, I think I will need to find a replacement.

46k1 바늘 사진001.png

Edited by ddiuni

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