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Ender 3 new motherboard 4.2.7 problems adjusting z height

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Just upgraded my ender 3 to the new 32 bit board and all seems to work well except the instructions on applying the Z offset, using the latest creality maplin with cr bed leveller

Go to auto home and moves to centre and takes measurement

Move nozzle over the same spot as the cr measure probe

Lower z axis to paper thickness

Enter difference into z offset

Bloody thing either tries to scrape bed or misses by 2 mm

Any one have a idiots guide using the latest software

Thanks Chris

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7 hours ago, chrisash said:

Just upgraded my ender 3 to the new 32 bit board

I think the problem is that your firmware isn't compatible and will need to be updated. I would check www.reddit.com and see if there is a forum for the Ender 3. I know there is one for the Ender 5. This link may help with setting the Z, (3dprintscape.com/guide-to-install-a-bltouch-on-a-creality-32-bit-mainboard/) 

I do have a question why did you decided to try and upgrade to a 32 bit board?


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I wanted a bed levelling system and understood the quality of print was superior than the old 8 bit version plus built for the BL, so it seemed the obvious thing to change both at the same time along with latest software. ir does run silent now which is good but cannot level the z offset is annoying but assume not unsolvable, but like life in general we all want to play with new toys straight away yet computers often fail to live up to expectations during installation

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OK found the problem hidden among the settings was the option to turn on the Eprom whatever that is and it worked

Many thanks

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Now I just have to sort out why the bloody fan on the Nozzle does not switch on. maybe a  hidden switch

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2 hours ago, chrisash said:

Now I just have to sort out why the bloody fan on the Nozzle does not switch on.

This maybe a firmware problem. It could be a broken wire or a wire / connector came loose during the upgrade.


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