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2 weird Craftools

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I recently acquired 2 weird Craftools & would like any pertinent information on them. (I don't have a picture, so I hope my description suffices...) They are both stamped: Craftool USA, but the number of each is stamped underneath: P720600 rather than the normal P206 designation. They are, in effect, pear shaders, #P206, but they are gold-ish in color and are NOT chromed.

Can anyone fill me in on what these were(are)?...

(1) Were they prototypes?

(2) Were they Models to follow for the machinists to follow when they were manufacturing the standard-basic-Tandy-kit P206 smooth pear shaders during the 'CRAFTOOL USA' period?

(3) Were they Craftools made for another country, to differentiate them from tools sold in the US?

Any information of them is greatly appreciated. Thank you. russ

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Russ, I can't say this for sure because I am not fully knowledgeable about what Tandy included in their sets. But, bacxk when George Hurst was still involved with Tandy, they were selling starter sets of tools that were goldish (brassy) in color. In fact, he showed me them being built when he took me on a tour of the factory. As far as I know, these are the only Craftools that were goldish in color. They definetely were not as shiney or brassy colored as the old Midas tools. That was over ten years ago and my memory may have faded somewhat. Carlb

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