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George B

Need S&w N Frame Dummy Gun

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Hi All,

Long story short. Customer in SC wants a rig for his S&W model 25 N frame with 4 inch barrel, .45 LC' S&W Mountain Gun.

Looked all over the internet yesterday and made a few calls, no dummies in the N frame.

Any advice? My brother in AZ has the stainless, and as a last resort I can talk hin through the measurements and have him make a holster tracing and stick it in the mail.

But, I like to either have the pistol or the dummy to wet and shape. I try not to make one size fits most holsters.

Any ideas anyone? Tried Duncan's as well, but they never seem to get back to me.

Is there another blue gun out there that will work for this frame? All I can find is the J and K frames.

Thanks, George

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Try Duncan Outdoors. They make aluminum dummies. You should be able to find their website with a Google search, the check their inventory page or call them direct.

Note on the N-frames that there are quite a few differences between various models. The 4" Model 25 will have a shorter cylinder length and may have any one of several different barrel profiles and underlug styles. The .45LC Mountain Gun will have the longer cylinder with tapered barrel profile and standard underlug. I use 6 different guns in my shop to form holsters for various N-frame revolvers, and there are still a few that I can't accomodate.

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Try Duncan Outdoors. They make aluminum dummies. You should be able to find their website with a Google search, the check their inventory page or call them direct.

Note on the N-frames that there are quite a few differences between various models. The 4" Model 25 will have a shorter cylinder length and may have any one of several different barrel profiles and underlug styles. The .45LC Mountain Gun will have the longer cylinder with tapered barrel profile and standard underlug. I use 6 different guns in my shop to form holsters for various N-frame revolvers, and there are still a few that I can't accomodate.

Thanks Lobo, I'll try duncan's again. And, I'll keep in mind the differences. My brother pretty much gave me the same advice, he is a s&w collector. Just my luck he's on the other side of the country.

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