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New To Leather Working. I Really Like It. What Type Of Lace Should I Use.

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I am fairly new to leather working and I've been mainly using cafe lace like http://www.tandyleatherfactory.com/en-usd/search/searchresults/5006-01.aspx I am wondering if this is the best lace to use. I tried using some cheap stuff, but it looked terrible and had inconsistent strength and flexibility throughout.

I am looking for better quality, or similar quality at a cheaper price. Any info is much appropriated. I dont want to buy every different kind to find out which I like.

Is this complete crap? http://www.tandyleatherfactory.com/en-usd/search/searchresults/5902-351.aspx

I am very sorry if this has already been covered. there is so much information on here, I am not sure where to find info on laces.

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I am fairly new to leather working and I've been mainly using cafe lace like http://www.tandyleat...ts/5006-01.aspx I am wondering if this is the best lace to use. I tried using some cheap stuff, but it looked terrible and had inconsistent strength and flexibility throughout.

I am looking for better quality, or similar quality at a cheaper price. Any info is much appropriated. I dont want to buy every different kind to find out which I like.

Is this complete crap? http://www.tandyleat...s/5902-351.aspx

I am very sorry if this has already been covered. there is so much information on here, I am not sure where to find info on laces.

The calfskin lace from Tandy isn't bad, the other lace you listed and asked if it was waste product is exactly that, don't buy it, it looks and works like doo-doo. The best lace you can buy is kangaroo lace, however it will be quite a bit more expensive than the calfskin you're getting from Tandy. The Calfskin from Tandy is the best that Tandy sells in my opinion, the 2nd best (not quite as good but still pretty usable) is their Pro-lace line. Springfield has a line of lace that is theirs, I tried it, didn't like it as good as the Tandy Pro Lace definitely not as good as the Calfskin which is confusing because Kevin normally produces pretty good products. The Texas lace line from Tandy isn't in the same league as the plastic stuff you asked about but it's close, it doesn't hold up, frays on the edges and will break in very inopertune times. Stay with the Pro-Lace for cheapest good quality, calfskin for not quite as cheap but better quality, or Kangaroo for best quality but most expensive price. Hope this helps.


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thank you very much chief. You seem to have some experience with this and that's exactly what I am lacking. I will try some kangaroo lace sometime in the future, but I have a feeling that cafe lace is good quality for the money. Know of any good places to get it? Tandy has it on closeout at $48 for 25 yards, which is like four times the price of the cafe lace I am using.

I'll definitely pick up some of the tandy pro lace to try. I must have tried the texas lace as it was complete garbage. not even good for practicing with if you ask me.

thanks again. I hate to have my hand held, but sometimes it's nice to cut through the marketing bs and get a real answer from someone with experience.

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If you plan on doing a lot of lacing (as I do) you may want to look into purchasing a lace cutter. You can then buy Kangaroo hides and cut your own lace. Buy cutting your own lace, you not only get it far cheaper than what is retailed out there, but you can also dye it whatever color you want.

I also buy garment goat skins and cut this into lace, it is a very strong and durable lace and can be purchased in many colors as well. If I'm making a vest out of garment cowhide, I will cut all the lace I require from the same cowhide as I am making the vest from. At times I have used upwards of 700 feet of lace in one vest, so having already purchased the lace cheaply (in the hide purchased to cut the vest pieces out of) saves a whole lot of money.

Of all the lace products that Tandy sells, I will only buy the kangaroo lace, and seeing as they have decided to discontinue it, I wont be buying any lace from them.

In my opinion, if you want to make a quality product, you have to use quality materials, and seeing as the lace you use is what holds it all together, why try to save money on it?

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although its definitely pricey over anything else, roo is the way to go...you'll hear back from a customer that cow lace wore out n broke before you'll hear it about roo...especially on a heavily used wallet...if the item is more decorative, cow is fine...i also do some fancy knots...i wont do em with anything but roo...ya jus have ta pass the added expense to the customer, and when you explain the options it sells its self...otherwise they may have to pay you to re-lace...worse yet, you may have to re-lace under warranty!!

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These guys covered your options well. I just want to point out that plastic lace should ONLY be used for practice. Remember, a leather item should be made of leather, not leather and plastic. Kangaroo is the way to go, and it's available at both Springfield Leather, and Y-Knot Lace. If you just want to do stuff for yourself, find the best calf you can. I got some from Springfield that appears pretty good and strong to the touch, but I haven't used it yet to really report on its quality.

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