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I posted a wallet that I carved from a craftaid pattern on critique to be judged by my piers . After 22 views no replies . is it because it is that horrible or not even worth the time to reply ..

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There are a lot of people here, myself included, who like to see others work, but don't really feel qualified to critique it. I just looked at your work, and it's not horrible at all.

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Tim's right. I have also found that when my posts move on down the line as newer posts come in, they fall off the radar. Don't give up. Keep working, keep looking at the work on here, and keep posting. You'll start getting responses.


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I just looked at the wallet shell that you posted earlier. The picture is so large it probably makes it look course! I didn't think it looked to bad at all. Some of the harshest critics never post any of their projects on here! Just keep on working and keep on posting and everything from your work to your replies will all improve!

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I was one of the ones that looked earlier and said nothing. I think you did a good job on all of it but the left arm of the guy fishing. It looks to me like he has a club for a arm. Not i could do any better. That's just what popped out to me when i looked.

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Watersnake - Please continue to work on you leather carving and posting examples of your work. It would be nice if we could guarantee that for every post on the site, there was at least one reply. That, unfortunately is not possible. We recently had a similar problem in the Member Gallery when we had a new member post and introduction and no one replied and that is not right. I now try to long on at least every other day and find those posts that have had no responses and welcome them to the forum. We should be doing the same on the Critique My Work forum so that there is at least on reply.

As for your work. I did that craft aid a long time ago (not that I am much better with age) and found it very frustrating. Figure carving is hard enough as it is, but to also do it in a small form factor is even harder. I think you did a reasonably good job. There looks like there are some dotted lines in the water you missed and I agree with the comment on the fisherman's arm. I will give you this one piece of advice if you are using Tandy tools - go to antique stores and flea markets and see if you can find some of the older tools. I have three version of the bevel #101 and the oldest version is 1/2 the size of the newest version. For some reason their tools are gradually growing in size. This makes it even hard to do the small detail work especially on a small format like a wallet.

Again, please don't give up. If it helps I recently posted a Bold Eagle carving I did and out of 147 views I got only 2 comments.


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