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Hides to art Newsletter

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Due to 2 unrelated deaths in my family, Thousands of miles driven and the fact of no DSL in the back woods of America the Hides to Art newsletter for January did not make it out. However the February newsletter will be out on the 16th. Steve and I are doing a double issue to make up for the loss of the January issue.

Also I did miss many messages that were lost on my cell phone. Some of these were for registration. Please try again as I want very much to talk to you. (828-674-5070)

Registration is still on track and the rooms that are blocked at the special price will be pulled at the end of this month.

Please accept my apologies & thank all of you for your understanding in this matter.


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The Hides to Art, Jan – Feb, 2009 Newsletter is now posted at www.hidestoart.com

The Hides to Art Team has decided to do our part to help with the stimulus package.

Registration for the Second Annual Extreme Leather Workshop will go on until March 10th 2009 with out adding the $25.00 late fee. The Hotel room block will end as scheduled on Feb 23rd 2009. Sorry about that but we had no control on that one.

We know it is not Billions of Dollars in savings but everything helps right?

Hope to see you there


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The Team of Hides to Art is going to do our part for the "Stimulus" package. Registration will continue until March 16, 2009 without a late fee.

Yes, we know that it is not Billions of dollars in savings but with this package you learn from the Masters without having to travel West of the Mississippi River.

Visit us at www.hidestoart.com for details about the Extreme Leather Workshop, located in Asheville, NC March 27th thru 29th 2009.

There are a few slots still open in all classes.

Please feel free to contact me at kevin@hidestoart.com should you have any questions.

Hope to see you there.


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