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singer 29k33

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About singer 29k33

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    Old things

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  1. Thank you sewmun, it seems there is still hope for me and my sewing machine. Now i just have to get some needles. Jesper
  2. Thank you for the answers. Kochs Adler class 3 or a copy of it is the mols likely answer. It is almost like it is made at a secret factory hidden in the mountains just to annoy us. The machine has been paintet at some time, i have examined it in different angels of lighting and i cant see any name. The machine no is 1644, all parts has no 292. The needle is a Lammertz, has no 7 which i think is the size of the needle. Jesper
  3. Need id on this machine, it might be german, Claes, Durkopp or Kochs Adler i dont know. Most important which needle system, i only got one needle ant it aint sharp. The needle is 2,2 mm thick and 79 mm long. Jesper
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