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Ef Products: Leather Dye Vs Hi-Lite Stain

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Hi, I'm new to all of this and I'm trying to choose correctly amongst coloring products. Since I live in California and want to keep it simple for now, I'm limiting the scope of my query to Eco-Flo products. I have a fairly decent understanding of Antiques and paints, but the following confuses me:

What is the functional difference between Eco-Flo's 'Leather Dye' and 'Hi-lite Stain'. How do they behave differently and under what general circumstances would I choose to use one or the other? Let's assume for now that I'd be looking to use roughly the same color in either case.


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EF leather dye is pretty much that: a water-based dye for leather.

The Hi-Lite color stain is a bit different. I tend to think of it as a type of antique gel. It's used about the same as an antique; you apply it, leave it for about 2-5 minutes, then wipe it off. Instead of a dark stain filling in the depressed areas of your carving/stamping, the color of the Hi-Lite fills it in. It also gives the entire area you applied it an overall 'sheen' of the Hi-Lite color.

Maybe one of the more experienced members here can give a better description...


Edited by Kelvandor

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Dye sinks into & penetrates the leather; highlighters, all-in-ones & antiques tend to be more surface colorants. They all have their advantages and their disadvantages.


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Hey, thanks, that pretty much covers my question.

I'm curious, if you have the time, what would you consider some of the advantages and disadvantages of the 3 general categories of dye, hi-lite stain, and antique? I know there are probably a zillion answers depending on who's doing the answering, but your opinions are certainly welcome.

Thanks again!

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Hey, thanks, that pretty much covers my question.

I'm curious, if you have the time, what would you consider some of the advantages and disadvantages of the 3 general categories of dye, hi-lite stain, and antique? I know there are probably a zillion answers depending on who's doing the answering, but your opinions are certainly welcome.

Thanks again!


I guess you could say that hi-liter 'high-lights' an application when used over dyes. Antique can give a similar effect (although the colors tend to be darker & they are sometimes used after a finish has already been applied or a resist has been used).

:dunno: Now I have never used the ecoflo antiques, so I can't say how they perform: I'm used to the OLD (turpentine-based) Fiebings antiques and & detest the newer waxed-based Fiebings antiques (you might as well use cheap shoe polish instead).

Again, dyes are dyes & sink in, paints, on the other hand, tend to remain on the surface & hi-liters & antiques & all-in-ones tend to fall somewhere between the two.

The biggest thing is to experiment, Good luck.


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I applied Antique Gel to a large area, and I panicked when I saw the darker blotches i several spots. I followed the Tandy instructional videos. I applied it in circular motion, and didn't "camp out" on certain spots, just kept on moving. The final results were unsatisfactory, to say the least...Where did I go wrong??? I used Medium Brown as my color. Help!!!

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I applied Antique Gel to a large area, and I panicked when I saw the darker blotches i several spots. I followed the Tandy instructional videos. I applied it in circular motion, and didn't "camp out" on certain spots, just kept on moving. The final results were unsatisfactory, to say the least...Where did I go wrong??? I used Medium Brown as my color. Help!!!

Do you have pictures? It's hard for us to give a whole lot of insight into what might have went wrong based on "unsatisfactory", but my guess is it's somewhere in your resist stage. What were you using as a resist and what brand of antique gel were you using?

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