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Dave Ogden

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About Dave Ogden

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    New Member
  1. Thanks very much cyberthraser - really appreciate the advice!
  2. David - thanks very much for taking the time to reply. I have read the article you mention in your post, and it's the main reason I went with the badger as oppose other options. I guess my main question, and apologies for not making this clear, is whether the set-up I'm looking at is OK for me to go buy and start to use? Being new to this, I was looking for a thumbs up / down and comments if anyone felt it was too much / too little or I'd missed something off. Many thanks.
  3. Evening all. I've been scouring this site and others for help on all things leather. Did my 1st tooled quiver this weekend, and really pleased with the result. Have done belts in the past and been really but the whole tooling element seemed to go well. Now enough of the dribble and a quick thank you for taking the time to read this, and hopefully help me out. I'm taking the plunge and looking to get an airbrush kit - as I'm based in the UK my options do seem somewhat limited in comparison to most of the posters I've seen. What I'd like you to do, is help me ensure that if I do go ahead and buy this all, these nothing else I'll need or something I've totally overlooked. Most posts have been really useful, but I guess this is a double check. I should start off by saying that what I'll be using it for is mainly large block tooled work. So I'll mainly be doing block dye work (Fiebings oil dyes), some colour blending on the edges (not sure of the terms - sorry) and resisting (Resolene) before antiquing and then re-resisting. The airbrush I think I'm going for is this: Badger 155-9 Anthem in Wood grain presentation box - main reason is that it has the hose and spare filler bottle. http://www.everythingairbrush.com/acatalog/Badger_Airbrush_Kits.html For the compressor I was looking at this: AB-AS18A Mini Piston Compressor in Protective metal casing - for airbrushing http://www.everythingairbrush.com/acatalog/AS_Series.html Now I'm not sure what to do about the filter / moisture trap, as this seem to already have one, but there are some inline ones here: http://www.everythingairbrush.com/acatalog/Airbrush_Accessories.html The bit I'm not sure about is whether I need an adapter for the hose in the airbrush kit to fit the compressor? Any help greatly appreciated.
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