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I am making myself some sword sheaths and stumbled across the vinegaroon method, which seemed alot better than the crap black dye we have currently. I saw the whole neutralizing thing also. My problem is that I also am going to paint small scrollwork across the edge of the scabbard and I don't know if I should add a finish between the dye and the paint (I will be using a paint pen if that makes any difference) or if I should just go dye, dry, then paint...then finish.


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Shorts had a similar question on vinegarooning a holster that wasn't taking dye well. I thought that the vin. would push some of the dye back out of the leather. I think she reported something along those lines, but I don't want to speak for her.

My observations with vinegaroon is that the surface of the leather takes a nice finish due to the tallows and oils being forced to the surface. It takes a little coaxing, a little leather conditioner, and a good bit of rubbing/heat to push them back into place. Now, on to your question. Vinegaroon first on some scrap, then try deglazing it where you want the paint to stick. That should give you good adhesion for the paint. Then, add sealer over the paint. If you intend to add sealer over the whole thing (which doesn't seem necessary IMO) I think Neat-lac should work well on the vin'd leather....but could eat your paint, dependant on it's solvent.

DISCLAIMER: Please note I said try this on scrap. I don't know if anything will stick on top of the vin'd leather, and I really don't want you messing up a sheath in the process of learning. For the deglazing of the pinstripe(?) try rubbing alchohol.

There's my guess at it, let's see what others say.

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