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About this blog

This is somewhere I aim to keep a record of my leatherworking endeavours, as well as thoughts on the subject, in order to keep track of how my skills develop and also so that others can hopefully learn from my mistakes (which I'll more than likely make along the way!)



Entries in this blog

Post #1: An anxious waiting game called "Count The Cost"

By the end of the week I am expecting to receive the following in the post: A cheap (Chinese made, with probable Japanese influence) beginner's sett of leather working tools from Ebay A remnant/pieces pack of leather, needles, and thread from The Identity Store A copy of "The Leatherworking Handbook" by Valerie Michael from Amazon Yet to acquire from the local chain DIY store (probably nearer the time, or on Sunday if it slips my mind before then which is likely to happe



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