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the ongoing saga of how I learn leather

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Broken Bells

So today I discovered that I am going to need a new way to bring in money. I bought my machine in the hopes that I could learn to use it over the summer and stockpile a few things to sell in the fall when I start grad school. I wish I could just start sewing like crazy, but unfortunately my machine is still not quite in working order. With school and work pulling me different directions, I have had little time for anything else. Now, with my work situation changing, I have even less money ava





Well, this morning I know I did everything right. And yet, the problem persists. I do not have the money to take my machine to a shop right now. I am filled with remorse for my suspicions of those nice folk I talked to yesterday. They were probably just trying to scare me off of meddling with an expensive piece of machinery that I could break. The evidence of my overconfidence is here attached. This is the underside of my work.




Quest For A Pulley

I bought a used Consew 206RB-5 about three weeks ago. It is my first leather sewing machine, and I know just enough to know that I need to know a lot more. Thanks to the forums here, once I got some thread I was prepared to be unhorsed by the speed of the machine on my first attempted project. I believe the current pulley is 3". However, I discovered there is also some problem with the lower thread. The stitches were loose and got tangled. I don't know if it's a knob I should adjust for the te



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