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Portrait De L'artiste Sans Barbe

Portrait del’Artiste sans Barbe is a self portrait of Vincent Van Gogh. Comprised of oil,it was painted in 1889 and stands as one of the most famous, as well as one ofthe most lucrative pieces of art completed by van Gogh. What is trulyremarkable about this people painting is that it depicts the bare face of vanGogh.

Unlike most ofthe Dutch Post-Impressionist’s self portraits, Portrait de l’Artiste sans Barbeallows the viewer to see van Gogh behind his famous auburn whiskers onto acheek painted in warm overtones of red and orange. Portrait de l’Artiste sansBarbe’s background, in contrast, surrounds Vincent’s head with cool tones ofsky and iceberg blue, lightening some as it spans from the left to the right ofthe canvas.

In addition, thelines comprising the artist’s face are soft and blend together while the brushstrokes of the background are longer and more prevalent. This technique alsocenters the eye, which would rather focus on a solid mass of blended color. Inaddition, the eye is contained in the outline of Vincent’s head. Observe theexpression in Vincent’s eyes as they gaze back not at the viewer but beyond, asif lost in a world of contemplation perhaps foreshadowing the sad but ultimatefate awaiting him.


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