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Leather Dye



kinda new to working leather I did years ago but stop and know have really gotten back into it ,I need to know if leather dye goes bad i have 2 that when i use them they leave darker lines and it is screwing everything up.I have tried everything I can think of and when I bought them they were just in a feed store with other leather stuff just wondering if it's me or the dye not having problems with the others just the light brown and dark brown


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Type of dye could be problem. Doubt if age would hurt it. Professional oil dye works best for me. Deglazing leather with the potent deglazing chemical first might help. Also, application with a swab made of wool felt. I use pieces of 3/4" thick industrial felf for dye when I'm doing a larger area. Hope this helps you in some small way. Like a wise man once told me "One can learn something from a man who is doing things incorrectly--you learn how NOT to do it.!"

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Thanks for the tip the other problem i have is they were left in my garage during the summer and i live arizona where it hits the 115 deg mark so i switched to ecoflo and they work great but I will try your idea

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The old oil and spirit dyes should be okay. Some of the new water based "dyes" have had problems with color retention, both in the bottle and after being placed on the leather. Always try on leather scraps of the same type you will be using. Good Luck!

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I know that upon purchasing any die or antique gel, if the product EVER gets frozen it will cause the problem you are describing. Hope this helped.

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