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When I started out in leatherwork, computers were the size of a barn, and the Internet didn't even exist in science fiction! There were precious few books on the subject, and not many people to ask. Those who knew the answers were often reluctant to share their knowledge.

I spent a lot of time in the company of an old saddler who had served in the army in WW1, and as a maker of tack for the war department in WW2. His tuition was invaluable to me, and I would make bridles and mend tack under his eye. When I moved into making 'bespoke' articles, my only method of learning was trial and error . . . quite a lot of trial and many errors!

Over the years I have gathered much valuable experience, and I was pleased to share my knowledge when I tutored college courses during the early 1980s. Today, when I see the amount of information and advice that is available on the web, particularly on Leatherworker.net, I often think how much easier the learning process would have been if the Internet had existed forty years ago! I guess I would have still made mistakes, but at least there would have been someone who would have helped me out!

How lucky we are - newbees and oldees, to have this fantastic resource!

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Just started asking the newbe questions. Everybody hand in there with me. I am sooo thankful for those with knowledge and skills that are able to share with all of us NOB's.

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