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Saddle Maker...jeff Kask

I am searching for information about a saddle maker...Jeff Kask. He was from Santa Fe, New Mexico, and I was told he made saddles for several Hollywood movie stars including Robert Duval, Kurt Russell and Tommy Lee Jones as well as making the saddles used in the movie Tombstone. Any information and insight would be greatly appreciated.

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I just saw your post. I met Jeff 3 or 4 times, he was working for Keith Ferrel at Ferrel's Old West Saddlery just outside of New Castle,IN. I think the actual address was Greensboro, IN. He was making a limited edition Roy Rogers holster set that Ferrel's was selling that came in a framed and numbered case with Roy's signature. I know he also did some saddle work for them as well and lived on the premise. I have a cousin who worked part time in the shop as well. AS far as knowing who all he made saddles for I didn't really have any conversations with with on that. We talked about some of the older makers and shops, how we did things and we showed me how tempermental an old Union can be. I know he passed away but I'm not sure which year. It's been about 10 years since I've been in that area although I have family in that part of Indiana and my cousin still stills down the road from where the shop was. I don't know if the shop is still in business or not but if your interested I can try and rest my relative any see what more info he has on Jeff.

Have a great day,

Cody Young

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