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Saddle Shop & First Saddle

Here's my new saddle shop - It's really compact - 8'x10' - However that's all the room I had and it is definitely functional so far.

saddle shop 02

saddle shop 01

And here is my first saddle which has a few months of riding on it now...There are things I am doing differently on these next saddles based on having used this one.

saddle 02

saddle 01

Some differences will be: Narrower cantles - 12.5" instead of 13" wide. Less cantle dish - 1" instead of 1.5", stirrup leathers will be 2.5" instead of 3", trying to get a flatter more forward ground seat in...this first saddle is very comfortable for me - However I wish it had a little less rise in the ground seat.


Ron L


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