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A New Beginning



It’s been really hectic around the workbench these days and I haven’t really had the chance to post on the blog like I should. My 4-H classes ended some time ago and all five of my kids did real well at the County Fair. In fact, I was a little surprised at how they did do. Three of them got Grand Champion and the other two received Reserve Grand Champion which meant that all of them would go to our State Fair. There was one other entry in the County Fair in leather, but he was from another part of the county and it looked like he was taught by a parent or someone; which means the word is not getting out to all of the clubs in the county, or else that person opted not to bring their boy to my classes. He received a Reserve Grand Champion at the County Fair, but was not eligible to enter the State Fair.

The kids didn’t do so well in the State Fair. Only two of the five received awards within the top three. Which means I’ll have to try harder next year. Which is coming up real quick. The classes will start again in January and that is not all that far away. The next general meeting for the club will be held in December and this is where the kids sign up for what projects they want to do. I know at least three of my kids are going on to the next higher level in leather and I think there will be two, possible three new ones coming into the class. One or two of them will be coming from other clubs within the county.

This new year will bring a change to the leather craft program. Their Unit Ones will be changed to include Creative Stamping - An Introduction. Great! Just when I thought I had a handle on things, there will be a change. I have not been able to find out what kind of changes will take place for sure. Which means I won’t know what kind of tools the first year kids will need to acquire. I keep telling myself I need to be flexible on this, but I really haven’t had the time to get into the 4-H mood. I’ve been busy with other leather work and I’m still not caught up and won’t be until just before Christmas.

I will try to make a promise to my fan club to post more often about what is going on. I’ll try to get pictures this year and post with the blog, if I can that is. I’ll also try to put out some kind of a schedule that I’m making up that others can follow along with if they are in the same position as I am. Keep checking back on a regular basis and see what else I’ve made a mess of.


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