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Passing The Torch

With the new year came a new life for me. January 1 SHerilyn and I ran off to Las Vegas and got married. No sooner had we returned that we got the call I knew would someday come. My Dad was in the hospital with pnuemonia. We went down to see him and a week later on January 16th, my Father, Dan Dennehy of Dan-D Knife fame passed on. He lived a full life and accomplished many things he set out to do.

He spent 30 years in the Navy and was very well traveled. He was one of the Eleven original founding members of the Knifemakers Guild as well as a recent inductee into the Cutlery Hall of Fame.

As with the passing of any family member there is so much to deal with. The grief that goes with it for ourselves as well as other family members. Then of course there is the Estate. Since I worked with him in his knife and leather shop I inherited not only the incredible shop but also the Dan-D trademark and his knife patterns. I am now working on merging his knife models with mine and getting this all up and running as well as continuing doing Custom Leatherwork. Sherilyn has set up a website and is constantly adding things to it. She is a great help as she is running the business end of it.

With all of this being said, he "Passed the Torch" to me upon his death. Since I already have knifemaking equipment of my own, I now have an over abundance of shop equipment and fixtures to sell off to help finance this new venture. Belt sanders, buffers, drills, benches, lights, compressor and so much miscellanious stuff that I can't list it all.

Please let me know if there is anything you might be looking for in particular.

Keep watching as the year unfolds. I have a couple of commemorative models of his knives in the works as well as a complete motorcycle project in the works. Lots of new leather stuff to get made and posted.



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I lost my Dear Daddy this past August of last year , feels like yesterday. I am very sorry to hear about your loss. I will keep in touch as I am in need of so many tools and supplies.

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