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Miami Dolphins Wallet / For Nephew


© © leatherworker.net

From the album:

My Stuff

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Wow thats excellent! I like how the colours are so crisp and clear no bleeding together. What dye's did you use?



Yes, great work! Please do tell.....what brand/type of paint on your leather did you use?

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Hey guys, thanks for the comments. I'm glad ya'll don't think it looks like some commercialized cheap plastic wallet that you could get at like K Mart (haha!).

I just use normal cheap acrylic paint, $1.00 bottle stuff you get from any craft store. The brands vary from color to color. I cut all lines that I will need for the borders of the different colors and do the beveling/tooling where apporpriate and then fill in the colors using my cut lines as guides. Acrylic paint is flexible when it's dry so it doesn't crack when bent. I then go over the painted area with an acrylic varnish to protect the paint.

I'm a beginner at learther craft and I'm still working out the best methods for dying the background. I read on the internet that you need to paint on the undyed leather and build it up in layers for it to stick to the leather good and proper. And that's the method I've been using. But it's REALLY hard to mask the painted area and dye over top of the paint. I've had several disaster and repainting session figuring it out.

I think I'm gonna start dying after the tooling and then do the painting on top of the dye and see if it sticks. It's just to difficult to mask off the paint and dye over top.

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