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Photo Information

  1. File Name gallery_18512_708_45746.jpg
  2. Unix Timestamp 1306939585
  3. Original File Size 152443
  4. File Type 2
  5. Mime Type image/jpeg
  6. Sections Found ANY_TAG, IFD0, THUMBNAIL, EXIF, GPS
  7. IFD0.ImageWidth 640
  8. IFD0.ImageLength 480
  9. IFD0.PhotometricInterpretation 2
  10. Camera Make Research In Motion
  11. Camera Model BlackBerry 9330
  12. Orientation The 0th row is at the visual top of the image, and the 0th column is the visual left-hand side
  13. IFD0.SamplesPerPixel 3
  14. X-Resolution 720000/10000
  15. Y-Resolution 720000/10000
  16. Resolution Unit 2
  17. Software Adobe Photoshop CS5 Windows
  18. Date Taken 2011:05:25 14:44:04
  19. YCbCr Positioning co-sited
  20. Exposure Time 0/1
  21. Exif Version 0220
  22. Subject Distance 0/1
  23. Light Source Unknown
  24. Flash 32
  25. Color Space sRGB
  26. Image Width 439
  27. Image Length 429
  28. 1#090 �%G
  29. IPTC.DateCreated 20110525
  30. IPTC.TimeCreated 144404+0000
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