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Photo Information

  1. File Name gallery_24632_1037_6393.jpg
  2. Unix Timestamp 1315551481
  3. Original File Size 53248
  4. File Type 2
  5. Mime Type image/jpeg
  6. Sections Found ANY_TAG, IFD0, THUMBNAIL, EXIF
  8. Camera Model NIKON D40
  9. Orientation The 0th row is at the visual top of the image, and the 0th column is the visual left-hand side
  10. X-Resolution 300/1
  11. Y-Resolution 300/1
  12. Resolution Unit 2
  13. Software Ver.1.11
  14. Date Taken 2010:11:18 21:09:11
  15. YCbCr Positioning co-sited
  16. IFD0.CustomRendered 0
  17. IFD0.ExposureMode 0
  18. IFD0.WhiteBalance 1
  19. IFD0.DigitalZoomRatio 1/1
  20. IFD0.FocalLengthIn35mmFilm 51
  21. IFD0.SceneCaptureType 0
  22. IFD0.GainControl 0
  23. IFD0.Contrast 0
  24. IFD0.Saturation 0
  25. IFD0.Sharpness 0
  26. IFD0.SubjectDistanceRange 0
  27. Exposure Time 10/300
  28. F Number 45/10
  29. Exposure Program Shutter priority
  30. ISO Speed Ratings 200
  31. Exif Version 0221
  32. Date Digitized 2010:11:18 21:09:11
  33. Compressed bits/pixel 4/1
  34. Exposure Bias Value 0/6
  35. Max Aperture Value 43/10
  36. Metering Mode Pattern
  37. Light Source Fine weather
  38. Flash Flash did not fire
  39. Focal Length 340/10
  40. EXIF.SubSecTime 80
  41. Flash Pix Version Flashpix Format Version 1.0
  42. Color Space sRGB
  43. Image Width 1024
  44. Image Length 681
  45. Sensing Method One-chip color area sensor
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