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Well here is my latest aqusition.... a Singer Industrial 31-15, born on Aug 5, 1920.... or thereabouts, it came on a treadle stand industrial table with the full complement of "Singer" motor and clutch-in actuation, although sadly the entire "Treadle" mechanism was missing... The only part present was the "Stand." She was quite a mess having been stored in an old city basement.... thankfully she was well oiled over the years of use, and didn't suffer the indignity of becoming a complete rusted hulk. The foot-bed was a bit rough though... nothing a bit of steel wool and oil could not handle though. Just got done going through the head last night...

The machine came with a whole pile of feet and accessories... now I've just got to learn how to use them all... I've seen a roller foot though I think I'm going to pick up, and watched a YouTube video the other day about making leather slippers, and they were using the very roller foot I've been considering purchasing for another of my Industrial machines... but now will use on this 31-15. Sure looks like they make handling leather and other types of materials like that much easier... A walking foot machine with all the bells and whistles is just way out of my price range, and further taking into account the fact that I'm not using these machines to earn a living, just as a "Hobby" and to handle household repairs, I would not even consider the out-lay... These "Old School" machines do what repairs I need to handle quite well...

As with the Patcher, once I get back out to my Garage... and reassemble the machines, I'll post a couple pics of the completed project... Maybe then I'll post some of my "Repairs" too. Although they surely are not "Pretty" nor I would say worthy of any sort of "Best Of" rating... more a Frankenstein Patch-em Up Job... but hey, it works... not pretty, but it works....


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From the album:

An example of the "Iron" on my Bench

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I've got a 96-40 version 1933 of this machine. I love it and I run (believe it or not) #138 with a 22 needle. I can bust through 9+ oz. no problem. Also have a 29k60 nice original 1946.


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