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Everything posted by urlbee51

  1. Thank you Mablung for your comments. Much appreciated. Yes my beveling does need work. I was getting more comfortable using the beveler the more that I used it. Alot more practice needed. More specifically, I guess I also did not ask. Do you think that I am cutting too deeply with my swivel knife? Your comments are appreciated.
  2. Hi All - I am new to leather working, and decided to focus on subjects that would make this a hobby more interesting, and creative for me. It was a slow start, and took a few days too decide no matter what my first try looks like, I should just get into it and enjoy. I haven't finished tool yet. It needs stars, shading and more. Do you think that my cuts with the swivel knife are too deep? Thank you for any input. Urlbee51 6-24 First leather practice Space Explorer.pdf
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