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Everything posted by Kapt

  1. Yeah, I’m making a table for it now. The belt looks good but do these things require periodic replacement like a car timing belt? Was stretching these machines a common thing to do? I’m assuming it was done by Sutton Machinery in St Louis which looks like it went under in 1988. I’m looking forward to getting this thing operational and I’ve found only minor things that were out of adjustment. It spins nicely now after a good cleaning and lube.
  2. I acquired this Adler recently and have been slowly going thru it and cleaning it up. I’ve found a lot of information online about the Adler 167 but I’ve never come across one with this long arm. I was hoping someone could shed some light on this. If I look closely I can see where the machine was sectioned out and new material added to lengthen it. Was this done at the factory or was some other company modifying these? Also, any idea what year or decade this was produced?
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