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About CaptainCrunch

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  1. Sorry, I was out all weekend or I'd've responded sooner. Good lot of suggestions. I suppose I'll get a sample of each type of material to play with (latex and vinyl) and use a pinch of tobacco to test them. Once I've decided what I'm doing, I'll post it to the relevant subforum. Thanks again!
  2. Really, sewing works fine then? I'll give that a try. I'm not going to worry as much about humidification on this version. This pouch is mainly for taking 1-2 pipefulls out for an evening on the town. Well, that and practice sewing and so on. Thanks!
  3. Well, like the topic says, I'm looking to attach a sheet of surgical latex to the flesh side of some leather. What I'm making is a tobacco pouch for my pipe tobacco. All of the commercial ones I've seen have a latex liner, presumably to keep the tobacco from soaking up leather dyes and the like. I'm not sure just stictching it in as I close up the sides will keep it there. As in, will it tear loose easily? So I'm going to glue it down. I just don't know what glue will hold latex in place without making the leather rigid. This is something of a prototype and experiment for me. A chance to practice my sewing skills as well. Thanks one and all!
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