Most Leathercrafters Handstitch to begin with. I happen to be an EDC Leathercrafter who makes Knife Slips, Sheaths, Pocket Tool Slips and Pouches, etc. I have always used either a 1mm or 1.2mm Waxed Thread which is mostly based on the esthetics. Visually much more pleasing in the specific products I make.
Recently I bought a Cobra 4-25 Sewing Machine in order to increase my capacity to scale our humble little home business. So I knew that I needed to use a Thicker Thread for Stitching with a Machine. Where I won't be hiding the fact that we will be using a Sewing Machine for certain lines of products, I also don't want to vastly change the appearance we are known for which includes thicker Stitching. It's insane just how much difficulty I am having finding a bonded machine thread (in any material) in a Size 415 Tex 410 Thread. I can find Black, White, even found a Beige. But no other Colors.
I really just need Brown now and after days of seaching, emailing manufacturers and sellers, I have hit a wall. Nothing. It's actually hard to believe that it's this difficult when .8mm and 1mm Waxed Thread is so popular and widely available. Does anyone out here actually use Size 415 who has a source?