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  • Location
    Crossville TN
  • Interests
    Laser engraving, 3d printing, turning

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  • Interested in learning about
    Wet molding
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    web search

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  1. So, is stretchiness a function of thickness, the animal the leather came from, where on the animal it came from, or something else? Appreciate the help btw.
  2. I am new to anything concerning leather working, but am fascinated by the idea of wet molding. I was thinking of combining my 3d printing skills to make wet molds for simple trays to hold coasters that I laser engrave. What I cannot find are the limits for how tall wet molds can be? I have searched on tall/deep wet molding, but nothing really addresses this. Most of the commercial ones look to be about 3/4 - 1 inch tall, but some are made in pieces so that you can stack the inner mold part to get a taller result. But surely there is some practical limit? Can you make a leather cup 4" tall for instance. Any advice, or experience, is appreciated.
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