Hi, all. My sincere apologies if I am not posting to the correct forum. After spending weeks researching industrial machines, I’ve grown weary and confused. A few months ago, I purchased a Juki TL-18qvp with the understanding it could handle multiple layers of 2-3 ounce leather. I’m finding that not to be the case. In hindsight, while the Juki is an awesome machine, I should have purchased an industrial to suit my particular needs. My question is which machine is best suited for my needs but still provides some room to grow? At present, my focus is on leather handbags. I use 2-3 ounce leather, but I would like the option to up weight (not super thick). So far, I’ve only used tex70 weight thread (top and bottom). I thought I would purchase the Consew 206rb-5, or Juki 1541s, but I’ve since learned that a cylinder arm with flatbed attachment might be a better option. I’m looking at Techsew 2750, Techsew 2750 pro, Cowboy CB3200, and Cobra 26. Ideally, I’d prefer a machine that could handle the project from start to finish, meaning it has the ability to sew the thinner lining fabrics like linen as well. That might exclude some of the noted options. Budget is a concern as well and would prohibit me from buying a separate flatbed machine. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!!