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  1. Thanks. Well I am eliminating the suede on the outside. So that leaves me with 2 options: 1: Veg tanned leather x2 pieces stuck etc together and stitched with a single piece of Suede 1-2mm thick on the inside. 2: Have 2 pieces of leather only, outside being finished leather and inside unfinished. From what I read the 'main' reason for the suede in a lifting belt is it adds some grip/friction so it doesn't slide around when you try to bend to grab a bar (for a deadlift) etc. Would an unfinished piece of leather on inside do the same job? If so, I could just get the whole belt from leather then and not use any suede, just have the finished piece on outside and unfinished inside to provide grip. I believe durability will be better too than a 1mm piece of suede and probably easier to clean off from sweat etc as an unfinished piece of leather?
  2. Thanks for the feedback. I live in Australia, and am looking at either a Pioneer Pal 2 lever belt or a SBD lever belt. The SBD works out to $425 here and the Pioneer just shy of $300. I'm not looking for cheap and nasty... its just Pioneer have 1000 options you can make. I can get suede inside and outside on a 10mm, I can get suede just on the inside of the 10mm, or I can get full leather both inside and outside with no suede. All 3 options would be 10mm. Option 1: single 7mm Sole leather, 1.5mm Suede inside and outside - Total 10mm. Option 2: 2 pieces of leather glued together and stitched around 4 (point something) thick each piece, the leftover Suede on inside - Total 10mm. Option 3: 5mm of leather x2 pieces both on inside and outside, no suede - Total 10mm. I feel Option 3 may be actually like getting a 13mm lever belt as they would use about that much leather, so a 10mm raw leather is more like a 13mm (with suede on both sides) +/-... so wanting the pliability of a 10mm belt... I assume its either option 1 or 2. Recommend which one, and if you can explain why you would choose which one? The idea behind it, what would you be trying to achieve/receive for what purpose etc option 1-2 or 3? Thank you
  3. Hello, Im in the market for a leather gym belt... may not be related to anything here but some principle I would like to have some sort of educated opinion on. Im looking at buying a 10mm belt. One company uses 2 pieces of leather (I assume around 4.25-4.5mm thick) and then a single piece of suede on the inside (the part thats touching your body) thus they get a 10mm thickness. Another company on the other hand said if they use suede on both the outside and inside (so the part visible to you and the part touching the persons body) then the belt is made from 1 piece of Sole leather. The sole leather is 7mm thick, and then a 1.5mm suede is applied to the outside and inside of the belt then stitched etc. If I go with 1 piece of suede on inside only and leave the outer side leather or even get the whole belt inside and outside leather without the suede then the belt will be made of 2 pieces of leather, I assume 5mm thick if its leather inside/outside to achieve 10mm or 4 (point something)mm x2 to bring it up to around 8.5-9mm thick with the 1 piece of suede on the inside to finish the 10mm off. Anyway - is there any concept as to what would be more rigid, what would mould better to the body, what would provide better support and what would be more durable... is it better to just gte a single piece of sole leather at 7mm and then just add the suede on inside and outside or is the belt going to last longer, provide more support for bracing etc if you make it out of 2 pieces of leather instead? I assume suede on inside or no suede on inside would be personal preference... I can only think that this would provide more grip during lifting as opposed to being leather... Anyway thanks again for the help
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