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    Through researching when buying leather belts

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  1. I’ll most likely end up doing this. I didn’t want to buy a can but it seems to be all that’s available around me. I’ll just do it, I guess it doesn’t make a big difference as I can stray it into a container and use a paint brush to apply it.
  2. I recently got into leather belts as a hobby as I’ve always loved leather belts. I currently own 5 of them and two of them are strictly work belts. My first work belt was 12-14oz Herman Oak natural veg tanned saddle skirting. I wore it almost daily for the last 3 months (5-6 days working in the trades) and except for the lovely patina it’s been developing, it hardly has any curve in the middle and no scratches or marks at all. Two weeks ago I got a 15-17oz Herman Oak old world harness leather belt and I loved it a lot. It’s very heavy compared to my other belts of similar thickness and I love the natural colour of it. However after only 2 weeks it has gotten quite a few scratches already and some days I take it off to hand at the end of the day and it almost looks like an S (although I can easily reshape it with my hands). I’m not really liking how easily it scratches and how to back side of the belt looks like skin being shed. I’m just curious what leather do you guys prefer for an everyday heavy duty belt working in the trades? I’m starting to think I’m better off just using me natural veg tanned saddle skirting belt and treat it to be more water/weather resistant.
  3. I checked but it says unavailable with no work on when it will be restocked. I see many other Rustins products but no metal lacquer.
  4. Unfortunately I’m in Canada and can’t seem to find it. I’ll keep searching as the belt is still new and I shouldn’t have to worry about oxidation just yet.
  5. Thanks I’ll give this a look. I read somewhere that clear nail polish is another short term solution. Using a metal wire brush is another option but I fear I’d damage the leather quite a bit using that method.
  6. Got a heavy duty harness leather work belt recently which uses copper rivets. I’m a very sweaty person and work in construction wearing this belt 5-6 days/week. I'm wondering what methods are best to prevent the rate at which they oxidize? I’ve seen a few pictures of older belts with copper rivets that have a significant amount of green around the rivets. Not really a huge issue as it’s a work belt, but I’d prefer if I could significantly reduce it somehow.
  7. I work in construction and recently got my first heavy duty a belt made out of 13-15oz Herman Oak natural veg tan saddle skirting leather. It’s 1.5” wide and holds up my heavy pants effortlessly without me having to buckle up extra tight. My only issue with this leather is that I often touch my belt with wet/sweaty/dirty hands every time I take a try to the bathroom and I hate how it stains natural veg tan leather. I’ve been thinking about trying Herman Oak Old world harness leather instead. What’s your opinion on Harness leather vs applying some Obenaufs heavy duty LP to the natural veg tan leather?
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