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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    learning tooling and machine stitching
  • Interested in learning about
    machine sewing leather
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    typed in "leather sewing forums"

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  1. Kevin, What a great idea! I never thought of that! I told my wife (who sews) and she just dropped her jaw and looked at me like "Why didn't I think of that"? thank you for the great tip. I'm sure I will be using it in the future! Phill
  2. Hi Mike, Thanks for all the information! I "hand stitched" with the 201 by turning the wheel and did a test on two pieces of tooling leather that are about 7-8 ounce leather (measured 1/4" after stitched) and it did a great job I thought, but then again, I don't know what the heck I'm doing LOL... I have everything I need to hand stitch, except I only have the Tandy awl, but I have 3 or 4 different sized tips for it. I'll have to look at them. What kind of thread would you reccomend for lighter weight tooling leather or latigo leather, say for spur straps? I want to stitch this on the 201 for my sister (just take her old straps apart and copy them). Thanks again, Phill
  3. Hi everyone, I just found this forum today. I want to start a new hobby in leather tooling and stitching. This is just for fun, as I'm retired. I have many questions and I don't know how many I'm allowed to ask at one time, LOL... I've been tooling trinkets (key fobs, etc.) for friends and family. I've purchased a bunch of tools from Tandy, and am having a blast. I want to learn how to machine stitch leather. I bought an antique Singer model 201-2 on Ebay and it was delivered yesterday... What a great machine! It seemed to stitch some pretty thick tooling leather without a problem. The two pieces of tooling leather I stitched together were about 1/8 in. thick, totaling 1/4". I'd like to know what kind of thread to use and do I REALLY need to buy special "Leather" needles. I'd like to make some halters and headstalls (probably out of latigo/oiled leather rather than tooled) for the local 4-H club, and possibly a few to sell. My sister wants me to make some logos or emblems for the 4-H kid's Carhart jacket backs. I don't think tooling leather, or any leather for that matter will hold up to a washing machine or dryer. What about a faux leather perhaps? Heck I don't have a clue! Thanks for any help I get, Phill
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