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    134 Liverpool St, Sydney, NSW 2000, Australia
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    Upholstery Cleaning
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  1. Hey there, I totally understand your frustration with gluing oily or Pull Up leather—it can be tricky since these leathers tend to have a natural oil coating that makes adhesives less effective. I’ve worked with these types of leather before, and I’ve found that some adhesives struggle to bond because of the oiliness of the surface. I haven't personally used Leather Glue SB, but from what I've heard, it’s specifically formulated for these kinds of leather types, and many users have reported success with it. The key with oily leathers is to properly clean the surface before applying glue. Even though you mentioned that stitching isn't an option, I would still recommend a gentle cleaning using upholstery cleaning products that are safe for leather. This can help remove excess oils or dirt and ensure better adhesion. Just make sure you’re not using anything too harsh that could damage the leather’s natural finish. Additionally, if you're still having trouble, you might want to consider testing out other adhesives like Loctite Power Grab or 3M Super 77, both of which are known to work well on difficult surfaces. Just be sure to do a small test before going all in. Good luck with your project!
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