Hello! Ive recently gotten into sewing and id like to take a deep dive into leather working. Now to be more specific on what im looking for; I primairly wish to work with leather suitable for clothes such as jackets and shirts and maybe even shoes.
Now i do see the need for a sewing machine and id like one that meets the need for leather.
I have found what appears to be a Singer 211u166 however i cant seem to find that model anywhere online.
Now my search hasnt concluded and if any of you know some sources for budget sewing machines in the west coast please let me know!
But i'd also like some clairification in regards to the needs for a machine. As ive skimmed some forums in regards to machines ive found talking about the need for different outlets and such for more industrial machines? How to slow down the machine if its too fast, and maybe some small issues in regards to some machines.
Now i do wonder if i should snatch up that Singer 211u166 immidiately, or are there better options out there for what im looking for?